Distilled Presents: SEO for CEOs
Does your CEO not believe in the gospel of SEO? Do you have a difficult time explaining the benefits of search engine optimization and how it could potentially make you millionaires (page impressions, of course)? Well fret not my worried lad! Distilled has partnered up with Marshall Simmonds (Define Media Group) and Doug Platts (iCrossing) to provide you a blueprint on how to convince your CEO why SEO is of the utmost importance!
Your trusty neighborhood search experts, Promediacorp, are playing host for the festivities. Please join us for some alcoholic beverages and a little bit of networking to boot by RSVPing.
When: Tuesday, March 20th at 6pm
Where: Promediacorp
637 West 27th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001