Mobile SEO Best Practices Presentation At SES NY
In case you missed the whimsical webs weaved by Avi Wilensky at SES NY, as he waxed poetic on the subject of mobile SEO, you may enlighten yourself with his presentation below. Although we couldn’t ascertain audio capturing his poetic prose on the topic, you’ll get the gist of things solely with the slideshow.
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We would like to thank the follow prestigious individuals for organizing, attending, hanging, providing feedback and/or heckling Avi during SES NY:
Matt McGowan, Mike Grehan, Jonathan Allen, Marilyn Crafts, John Barnes, Bill & Motoko Hunt, Chris Boggs, Frank Watson, Marcus Tandler, Marcus Tober, Dixon Jones, Noran El-Shinnawy, Loren Baker, Greg and Barbara Boser, Jessica Bowman, Duane Forrester, Todd Friesen, Kristopher Jones, Michael King, Steve Boymel, Brett Tabke, Mark Knowles, Marty Weintraub, Daron & Brandy Babin, the Blogsvertise team, the Morpheus Media crew, Jared Del Prete, Rob Schmid, Jake Matthews, Greg Niland, Ted Ulle, Adam Glazer, Michael Gray, Apologies to anyone we missed.
